Arlington TX Housing
Section 8 Waiting List Status: Closed
Affordable Housing Online is tracking the status of the Arlington Housing Authority Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List. This is what we know as of our most recent update on August 29th, 2016.
The Arlington Housing Authority (AHA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. It was last open for one week in .
Arlington, TX is about 20 miles west of Dallas, TX.
Please note: This waiting list has preferences. This means that applicants who qualify for these preferences will receive assistance before applicants who do not. Because of these preferences, applicants who do not qualify may have a longer wait to receive assistance.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application. Only online applications were accepted. Printed, faxed and emailed applications were not accepted.
This waiting list has the following preferences: Live and/or work in Arlington, employed, elderly, disabled and receives Social Security Disability income.
Applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, after sorting preferences.
Important note: Applicants who have been placed on the waiting list must inform the housing authority immediately if your application information changes (such as contact information, income, and household members). In the case that the office sends a notice that does not get returned, or if application information is out of date, your name may be terminated from the waiting list.
Applicants are strongly encouraged by the AHA to register their application here after August 22, 2016 to check their status on the waiting list, and update application information.
Did you know that you can apply for Section 8 anywhere in the country? If your local Section 8 waiting list is closed, you can apply to programs elsewhere. See all open waiting lists across the country on our Waiting Lists page.
Assisted Unit Distribution
The Arlington Housing Authority administers a Section 8 housing voucher program. The housing authority administers 3, 653 Section 8 housing vouchers.
According to HUD, Arlington Housing Authority is designated as Large, meaning it administers 1, 250 - 9, 999 Section 8 vouchers.
Arlington Housing Authority is among the 15% of Texas housing authorities that only offer Section 8 voucher assistance. If there are any public housing units available in the target area, those units are administered by another housing authority.
Source United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (, 2014)About Housing Assistance
Public housing authorities provide several affordable housing assistance programs to renters and sometimes homeowners. Most of these programs are funded by the Federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The two primary housing programs administered by housing authorities are the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Low Rent Housing Program, also known as Public Housing.
Section 8 vouchers provide a rental subsidy to renters that absorbs housing costs that exceed 30% of their income. Renters can use the voucher to rent private housing in apartment communities or privately owned homes. The rent is capped based on a Payment Standard that is determined by the housing authority based on market rents in the target area. Section 8 assistance is very limited across the country and typically waiting lists for the assistance can stretch out for a decade.
Public housing is rental housing owned and managed by housing authorities. Renters pay only 30% of their adjusted income. Typically, public housing consists of apartment developments but sometimes can be scattered single family homes in some suburban or rural housing authorities. Public housing was the first form of affordable housing provided to low income Americans. It is one of the oldest housing assistance programs in the country.
SEMAP Performance
Each year HUD reviews and scores the housing authority’s Section 8 program management based on 14 different criteria. This score is a reflection of how well the housing authority manages the Section 8 waiting list, the physical quality of housing assisted with Section 8 and the financial management of the program.
From 2001 to 2009, Arlington Housing Authority scored an average of 101 points as of the last set of publicly available data. The housing authority had a high score of 104 in 2004 and a low score of 93 in 2001. The average SEMAP Score for Housing Authorities in Texas is 74.11.
Arlington Housing Authority has an average score that is more than the average Texas housing authority. Higher SEMAP scores indicate more effective financial management, a smoother waiting list process and higher quality physical conditions at assisted properties.
Source President's Open Government Directive (, 2012)About SEMAP Scores
HUD reviews and scores each public housing agency’s administration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program through the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). The intent of the review and scoring system is to insure that public funds are administered in the most efficient manner while achieving the goal of adequately housing lower income persons.
The total number of points a PHA can receive under the SEMAP scoring model is 135 points. Any housing authority receiving a score more than 121 points is considered a High Performer. PHA’s receiving 81 to 120 points are rated as Standard Performers. Any housing authority that receives a score of 80 or less is considered Troubled and must go through a troubled agency review and cure process.