City of Arlington housing
AHAP Quick Facts:
~ Available for properties located within the city of Arlington
~ Available for first-time buyers only
~ Provides up to $7, 500.00 in assistance
The City of Arlington Homebuyer Assistance Program (AHAP) provides $7, 500.00 in down payment assistance for qualified first-time buyers with household incomes that don’t exceed 80% of the area median income ($55, 500 for a family of four, for example). Up to $10, 000 in assistance is available for buyers with a disabled household member or who are purchasing homes in areas specially targeted for revitalization, known as NRSAs.
AHAP assistance may be applied towards the purchase of ANY home in the city limits of Arlington that meets the City's minimum property standards, including (but not limited to) updated and affordable homes owned by Tarrant County Housing Partnership.
Wondering if you qualify? Contact a TCHP housing advisor at 817.924.5091 or learn more about income limitations.
Important AHAP Documents:
Click here for information on the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program through AHFC. The Arlington Housing Finance Corporation’s Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program is a federal income tax credit designed to assist persons to become homeowners.The Arlington Housing Finance Corporation’s MCC Program is a federal income tax credit designed to assist persons to become homeowners.
TCHP-managed properties currently available through AHAP None at this time, but coming soon:
Note that AHAP funds may be applied toward the purchase of ANY home in Arlington city limits that meets the program requirements, and is not limited to properties managed by TCHP.
Homeowner Education:
If you’re thinking that AHAP or another TCHP homebuyer assistance program may be right for you, we highly recommend that you register for a TCHP Homeowner Orientation class to learn more. Note that completion of our homebuyer education course is required in order to participate in these programs